This was written by someone else, but I like the story, I As the footsteps approach her door young Regina slowly sits up in her
bed with her pale blue eyes transfixed on the door in anticipation. As the door opens her beaming smile framed by her golden curls greets her father who has come to her room before she goes to sleep to fulfill the request of his little girl. He enters the room and gently sits on the edge of her bed as she begins to wiggle and squirm in excitement. "Ready honey?” her father asks her. "I'm ready Daddy.” replies Regina The nine-year-old bends forwards and touches her forehead to her father's and they say slowly, deliberately, and in unison, "In nomine dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi. In the name of Satan, true god almighty and ineffable, who hast created humanity to reflect in thine own image and likeness we beseech the forces of darkness to bestow their infernal power and protection upon us. Keep us safe as we sleep so that we may dream of the glory of our Father Satan and receive wisdom from him in our dreams that we better serve as vessels of his will. May he fill us with his truth, wisdom and understanding. May he keep us strong in our faith and service that we may abide always in thee with praise honor and glory be given him forever and ever. Ave Satanas." Regina places her arms around her father's neck and gently squeezes, kissing him on the cheek. "Daddy?” Regina asked as she laid back on her bed and her father began to tuck her in, "Will I get to be in a ceremony soon? I want to meet Father Satan so I can thank him for making you my daddy." Regina's father gently smiled and replied, "Soon, when you're old enough I'll let you join me in a ceremony. But you need to sleep now, Regina." Regina closed her eyes listening to her father get up, walk out the door and closes it behind him. After a few moments she heard a voice of a woman that she had never heard before break the darkened silence. "Oh how sweet," said the voice in a condescending tone, "Such an adorable spectacle to behold." Regina's eyes snapped open and she sat up, eyes darting about in the semi-darkened room trying to locate the source of the disembodied voice as it added, "The father leads his poor little girl down the same dead-end path he walks to his own destruction.” Regina tightly closed her eyes in an attempt to silence the voice as it added, "Only through god can you achieve anything - you and your "daddy" are both sinner who will burn for all eternity for renouncing the lord god. "Regina's eyes snapped open and as they did she could see, standing in front of her a glowing female figure dressed in white robes and pale white wings. Regina stared at it for what seemed like an eternity and at length finally nervously said one word: "Angel". "Yes child, I am here to save your soul from the evil your father is trying to fill it with by forcing you to walk with Satan." Regina paused for a moment, the confusion at the angel's comment overriding her fear, and she replied, "Daddy doesn't MAKE me walk with Father Satan. I ASKED to learn about Father Satan and Daddy shared everything he had with me. I want to dedicate my soul one day." "But child," the angel answered as it smiled gently, "Satan only deceives people and hides his true ntentions from you." Regina furrowed her brow and answered, "But weren't YOU hiding a few seconds ago when I was trying to find you?" The angel, stunned by her comment arched its brows as Regina added, "So you were doing what you accuse Father Satan of doing, weren't you?" "I didn't want to alarm you child...” began the angel. "So why'd you hide?” interjected Regina, cutting the angel off in mid-sentence, "You only hide if you are up to something bad because you don't want to get caught doing it. So what were you going to try to do to me?" "Nothing, child. I was just..." began the angel. "Don't lie to me!” ordered Regina slapping the bed with her hands. "You were going to do something and now you don't have the courage to do it anymore or to even say what it was now. Coward!" The angel reached out to touch Regina's shoulder in an attempt to gain her trust and the moment that her hand touched Regina's shoulder the angel pulled it away, howling in pain. Smirking, Regina said, "Well, that answers that question. Daddy and I asked Father Satan to protect me while I sleep, and it looks like he is protecting me." The angel looked at Regina in horror and began to slowly back away. "What are you?” it demanded. Regina leapt forward throwing her arms around the angel in a burning embrace and answered, "I am my daddy’s little girl - BOTH of them". As the last remnants of the angel were burning away, Regina could hear footsteps coming down the hallway toward her room once more. She quickly dove back under the covers with her back to the door and began to pretend she was asleep. Her father opened the door and began to slowly survey the room. After a few moments he walked to Regina's bed, sat down on it, and softly whispered in her ear, "I know you're awake, so sit up." Sheepishly Regina did as her father told her and he held something up in front of her face. Regina's eyes widened as she saw a single white feather that had escaped her notice. "No idea, what is it Daddy?” she asked. Regina's father tapped her forehead lightly with his fingertips and answered, "Try again." "I really don't know Daddy.” came the reply, "What is it?" Her father sighed and responded, "You haven't lied to me before, why are you lying now? You think I won't believe you if you tell me what it really is?" "Angel feather." replied Regina sheepishly "A what?” asked her father. "It the feather of an angel that was just here a few minutes ago.” Regina answered. Looking around her father asked, "Well, where is it?". "Um ... I killed it?" came the nervous reply. Her father arched his eyebrows and asked, "Really, now?" "Yes." Regina answered nervously, knowing that her father would never believe her. "Well then," her father chimed, "I guess that answers that." and let the feather fall into the palm of his hand. As Regina watched, a small burst of blue flame erupted in his palm, destroying the feather completely. He then turned to her and said, "Remember you have to destroy ALL of it. Don't let even a feather remain." Regina looked at her father in amazement as he gently laid her down on the bed and tucked her in asking, "Tomorrow is Saturday, right?" "Yes, it is.", answered Regina "Good, good.", her father replied nodding in approval as he rose to his feet and walked to the door. He turned and added, "You can sleep in as long as you want tomorrow morning, you'll need to be rested for tomorrow night." Puzzled, Regina asked, "What's happening tomorrow night, Daddy?" Her father smiled and answered, "Tomorrow, I'll introduce you to Father Satan. You're ready now." ~ The End
Sadie Terry (Sadieparty)
12/24/2012 02:56:37 am
That was beautiful! I felt tingly the whole time reading it. :)
6/5/2022 09:56:58 am
omg,fuck baby....hugs and kisses.
12/25/2012 07:56:51 am
Very well written. I loved it
12/24/2013 10:49:35 am
Wow, very moving; I am now speacless. :)
12/26/2013 07:11:00 pm
Absolutely beautiful. Wish I had a childhood like that.
6/4/2014 11:43:18 pm
As Sadie said it made my feel tingly and i felt like i was pulsing with energy :)
6/18/2016 10:16:10 pm
wow its a great story
4/15/2018 01:36:23 pm
I've actually had a very similar dream as you did where as this angel was the slit mouthed woman or kuchisake onna. You could have been face to face with this deadly woman angel thing as I was.
7/23/2022 10:37:15 am
Una figlia di nove anni parla di satana mentre offre al suo babbo il suo corpicino fresco e vergine. Lei non capisce che invece la da il Paradiso, io stesso ebbi modo di vedere nuda mia figlia (10 anni) e posso urlare al mondo che ho visto il Paradiso
8/18/2022 04:36:00 pm
Ho passato dei brutti momenti quando mia moglie ci scoprì, ma per otto mesi mi sono goduto il corpicino della mia bambina di dieci anni, Il mio più grande piacere consisteva nel leccarla, vedere i guizzi del suo corpicino sono impagabli. Ora vivo di ricordi.-
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